Monuments to Coal / Portrait of a Tip

2015 - THE VALLEYS RE-ENVISIONED - The Winding House, New Tredegar, UK
1998 - IN THE HABIT OF DWELLING - Australian Centre for Photography, Sydney

2020. Monuments to Coal. In: South Wales Transmissions and Monuments 1996-2004. Cafe Royal Books
2020. Portrait of a Tip. In: Offline: The Photobook and Wales. #005
2020. Monuments to Coal / Portrait of a Tip. In: Not Still, Rhondda Photographs. Efail Isaf: Tirnod Press
1998. Monuments to Coal / Portrait of a Tip. In: In the Habit of Dwelling Catalogue. Sydney: Australian Centre for Photography.

Monuments to Coal and Portrait of a Tip were produced using a 5” x 4” format camera and colour film. For the exhibition at the Australian Centre for Photography, 12 images from each project were presented as framed contact prints.